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Back Acne

Say Goodbye to Back Acne with These Effective Strategies

Back acne, also known as “bacne,” is a common skin condition that affects many individuals, particularly teenagers and young adults. It occurs when the hair follicles on the back become clogged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Back acne can be a source of discomfort and embarrassment, but there are ways to treat and prevent it. In this article, we will discuss various strategies to get rid of back acne, from prevention techniques to prescription medications.

Prevention Strategies

Prevention is the first line of defense against back acne. Here are some tips to help prevent bacne:

    • Wear breathable clothing: Choose clothing made of lightweight and breathable fabrics, such as cotton or moisture-wicking materials. Avoid tight-fitting clothes that can trap sweat and oil against your skin.
    • Keep your skin clean and dry: Shower after exercising or sweating, and use a gentle cleanser to wash your back. Pat your skin dry.
    • Use non-comedogenic products: These products are designed to not clog up your pores and thus reduce acne while moisturizing your skin.
    • Avoid harsh scrubs or loofahs: Abrasive scrubs and loofahs can irritate your skin and make acne worse.
    • Practice good hygiene habits: Change your sheets and pillowcases frequently, and avoid sharing towels or clothing with others.

Home Remedies

If you prefer natural remedies, there are several home remedies that you can try to get rid of back acne:

        • Tea tree oil: Apply tea tree oil to the acne. It has natural antibacterial properties that can help fight acne.
        • Aloe vera: Apply aloe vera gel to your back, which can soothe inflamed skin and reduce redness.
        • Apple cider vinegar: Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water and apply to your back with a cotton ball. The acidity in the vinegar can help unclog your pores.
        • Honey and cinnamon: Mix honey and cinnamon and apply to your back for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off. Both ingredients have antibacterial properties that can help fight acne.
        • Baking soda: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to your back. Baking soda can help exfoliate your skin and unclog your pores.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

Over-the-counter treatments are another option for treating back acne. Here are some products to consider:

          • Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid that can help exfoliate your skin and unclog your pores. Look for products that contain 2% salicylic acid.
          • Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial agent that can help kill acne-causing bacteria. Look for products that contain 2.5% to 10% benzoyl peroxide.
          • Glycolic acid: Glycolic acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid that can help exfoliate your skin and unclog your pores. Look for products that contain 8% to 10% glycolic acid.
          • Topical retinoids: Topical retinoids, such as adapalene, can help regulate your skin cell turnover and unclog your pores.

Prescription Medications

If your back acne is severe, your dermatologist may prescribe prescription medications to help clear it up. Here are some options:

          • Oral antibiotics: Oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline, can help kill acne-causing bacteria.
          • Topical antibiotics: Topical antibiotics, such as clindamycin, can help kill acne-causing bacteria.
          • Oral contraceptives: Oral contraceptives can help regulate hormones that can contribute to back acne in women.
          • Isotretinoin: Isotretinoin, also known as Accutane, is a powerful medication that can help treat severe acne.

Recommended Products

In addition to the above strategies, several products on the market can help treat and prevent back acne. Here are three products to consider:

CeraVe SA Body Wash
This body wash contains salicylic acid and helps to exfoliate and smooth the skin while preventing breakouts.

Neutrogena Body Clear Acne Body Wash
This body wash contains salicylic acid and grapefruit extract to help unclog pores and prevent breakouts.

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Paula’s Choice CLEAR Back and Body Acne Spray
This spray contains 2% salicylic acid and can be easily applied to hard-to-reach areas of the back.


How long does it take for back acne to clear up?

Back acne can take several weeks or even months to clear up. Patience and proper action is key.

Can stress cause back acne?

Yes, stress can trigger acne breakouts, including back acne.

Is it okay to pop back acne?

No, popping or squeezing back acne can lead to scarring and make the acne worse.

Will tanning help clear up back acne?

No, tanning can make acne worse and increase the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.


Back acne can be a frustrating and uncomfortable skin condition, but there are several effective strategies for treating and preventing it. By practicing good hygiene habits, trying home remedies, using over-the-counter treatments or prescription medications, and using recommended products, you can say goodbye to back acne and enjoy clear, healthy skin. Remember to be patient with the treatment process and seek professional help if needed.

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